[[ heart ]]
Monday, September 11, 2006
11:32 PM

Start -> Run -> Notepad
File -> Open
File name : c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts then press 'Open'.
Add messenger.hotmail.com to the bottom.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
10:23 PM

hahas. This common test is screwed. I dont know what to say.

I realised that in our social circle, it is inevitable that we have some leechers in group of people. From PW to daily work, ive seen and experienced leechers. Its quite obvious that some people are out to leech other people. Its like the kind of attitude they take towards you that gives you the kind of leeching feeling. But i just cannot understand why some people just cannot do things. I think its an attitude problem, and a very serious one.

To some people they may feel that it is personal, but i wouldnt think so because it affects the person you are leeching on. Some people dont realise that they are very overboard in the things they do and ask for, and they believe that what they are doing is correct. Its like what?! I dont believe in leeching. I mean i want something, id work hard to get it. In this way i dont blame other people. Personally, ive experienced that. Someone borrowed something from me before, and well, messaged me to complain that my handwriting was messy and i had mistakes in my work. But hello? Am i supposed to do the work for you? No obviously. I did the work for my own sake. I mean if you tell me politely, as i have experienced, i would obviously accept it as a mistake of mine. Afterall its my work and obviously you are saying these things to help me and not for the sake of procrasinating.

Procrasinating leechers are the worst. Bad attitude + bad personal and social character i would say. It really pisses people off.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Sunday, July 16, 2006
9:33 PM

National Band Competition Result : 1st TJC 2nd RJC.

So sad. We lost twice to the same band =x. We must get back what is rightfully ours the next time we face them again!

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

9:08 PM

Its once again band fiesta. Well this time its special for us as its not at the botanic gardens, but its at ps instead. Interesting. Very crowded, which is better than at botanic gardens. But the offset point is, the stage is too low and you cant really see anything =x.

Busy and tired day. Sad day too. The trumpets lost a mute. =x I just wonder why the juniors are so playful sometimes. I mean when we were in sec 3 and 4, we could do much better than them! Not say we are the best, but we could do a much better job. Sometimes it seems to me that the juniors arent serious about the performance at all. Not all of them i would say. My juniors are really good i would think. One of them even cried after the performance for playing a wrong note. That was quite unexpected. But i was happy, as they aspired to do better and achieve more. They have an expectation on themselves, which is essential for better progress.

On the other hand, i see some of them. They seem to be there for just fun. I mean yes a performance should be enjoyed, but they seem to be enjoying every other thing other than the performance itself? =x I mean that is like wrong right?

Maybe because i am old. I dont understand why the juniors do certain things.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Saturday, July 15, 2006
4:12 PM

Heys i know i havent blogged for long, but well to my previous entry, its some problems. Not that we broke up. Dont think too badly. Hahas.

Well this week was a terrible week. Double tuesday. Arghs. Hate it. Recently ive been feeling more lethargic. Not much energy to blog. Well and it also come to show that how boring my life is now. There isnt much to blog about anyway. I dont like to repeat myself again and again, or recite the daily routines on blogs. Apparently this is what happens on most blogs.

I wonder why people would spend time reading other's life stories. Some of the blogs ive been to, yes they update everyday but its just a storytelling of what happens that day. I know everyone have the right to blog what they want, but cant people make it more interesting?! Its like of there is something interesting that happened, well blog about it. If theres something nice or something that pissed you off, blog about it! I jsut cant understand how some people could keep telling stories of themselves to others everyday.

But well one of the comments ive heard that is against this is that a blog is essentially an online diary. True i would say. Blogging started with Opendiary and stuff, showing that blogging is essentially another form of writing a diary. But imagine, would you write those monotonous stuff in your blog? may as well put a link for people to you daily timetable and we can check it ourselves! TO me, blogs should be a place where you talk about stuff that you thought, or things that are interesting to people. Yes interesting is a perception, and like any other perception, it may be biased. Yes i may be biased against what interesting. Dumbo stuff arent thats for sure.

To me, i choose to blog things that are of some meaning. I write down the things that i thought about, and what i feel that is wrong with some things that are going on. Sorry but yup usually i click wrongly and put save as draft. Until i suddenly see that opps! then it will appear. So yah. Some of the day's entries do come out late because of that stupid habit of mine. I guess its just the computers that conform us to OK CANCEL that format. not used to clicking on the right.

Haha. Peace.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Friday, July 14, 2006
9:20 PM

hahas. Gruelling week past. Next week will be a good week.

Things have proceeded unexpectedly this week. Ive seen it myself, and i thought about it. Is it right for relationships to begin at this age? Maybe not i would say. Though yes i know i have a rather ok relationship and things had been going quite smoothly between us ( not with external factors though). I was thinking if it is a right choice to go into a relationship now.

People often say teenage is an age of rebellion and an age of growing up. We are still in the process of maturing and searching ourselves. We perceive ourselves as who we want to be, and we think of ourselves as better. Thats why people often say teenagers are too full of themselves. That i wont agree. Alot of times i would think that i know more than other people, and i see more things than other people. I guess its just part of being a teenager. Egoism is strong in the mind, and everyone wants to establish themselves with a personal cult. Not a strong as a cult maybe, but with a unique personality. Hence, it brought to me to think that how sure are we of ourselves?

Going into a relationship is like choosing something personal. It is just like choosing your path in life. You have to be serious, and you have to think it properly. But having said that, i would say that we as teenagers are not matured enough to do so. Many people enter a realtionship, younger for curiousity, older for the sake of being in a relationship. Afterall, a relationship i would say is not just for romance. There is more to that i would say. Maybe thats why there is such a high rate of people getting together and breaking up at the same time. Its because people arent sure of themselves. As i had said, we are in the age of change. We are growing to know ourselves better only and we immediately plunge into a relationship. Its bound to be disasterous i would say. We change the most and the fastest at this age. Oneday you may think this way and another you may think in another way. So how do you expect your partner to understand you? Its hard i would think. Thats why relationships at this age dont really work out many times.

I would say the most important thing in maintaining a relationship is trust, understanding and openmindedness. By openmindedness i mean able to talk things one. One of the greatest problems i see in many couples is that they dont talk things out. girls getting very pushy about things and guys avoiding the issue totally. That is a bad cycle i would think. As i said, we are all teenagers. We dont like things to tie us down. But oftenly, people are very possessive in a relationship. You dont allow this dont allow that. It makes the other person feel very tied down and get bored over things. These things all have to be talked out i would say. Any problem in that sense. If you arent serious about a relationship, you wont talk things out thats for sure. But if you are serious, i would think you should. It makes things very clear to each other and hence the trust increase. That is important.

Trust is the most important factor in a relationship. I would say its especially for myself. We are in different schools and we dont get to see each other everyay. The trust factor have to be there. If not there would be so much of a doubt and stuff and it makes both parties very stressed up in the relationship! That is bad. For one, i trust my girlfriend in everything she do. And of course i would tell her things, to avoid circumstances that are really embarassing. yes quoting from one of my friends, he was 'caught' by his girlfriend in orchard with another girl, but in fact they were only going for PW meeting. Thats like so embarassing, making a fool out of both parties. Haha. Really pity him.

Understanding is another thing i would say. For one, i cannot understand why people are so possessive about their partner. I would say, thats human nature. They want everything themselves and they cannot bear to lose anything. That could account for the possessive nature. But understanding for each other is important. By that i dont mean like knowing what they like and what they are not, but able to understand the situation they are in and help them or accomodate them. If you cant, i would say its bound for a crash landing. many couples nowdays do not understand each other well i would say. But well, its whether they want to put in the effort or not.

Many a time i realised guys in a relationship takes on a very heck care attitude. Thats quite bad i would say, because i think I THINK girls need attention and she need to feel that you are with her. Girls need that comfort zone in a relationship and that will make them feel better. So guys, be more engaging in the relationship!

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Saturday, July 08, 2006
3:45 PM

Haiss. Im confused now. Should i it go? Should i try my best to keep it?

I dont know. I dont want things to go bad. But i cant afford to lose it too. What should i do.

I better cool down and think.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

Friday, July 07, 2006
9:27 PM

Hahas. Today we got our project work comments. I think i did well. By the way, for those who dont know, i got a band 1. =) And well, i purposely ignored someone who offended me recently =P well i guess i should say sorry for that.

I looked at the comments written by the markers. Well. Didnt mean anything to me. how can a person be judged that way? The comments written are very personal, and its like it depends alot on whether the marker likes your work or not? I mean its the same controversy with gp. Thats why i dont think that a person should be judged for such things. When someone dont agree with your point, its hard to give the person a good grade beacause you would refute those points in your mind!

GP movies. Ms Lim likes to show us movies for GP. Well. Ok we watched it and of course it comes with a discussion after that. But the problem with the discussion is that, although she is open for discussion, but she have a planned route of discussion and the points of discussion in her mind! Its like she dont let you shoot points off and bring about a larger picture, but she have an expected answer in mind already. It is the point she deemed as the key of the movie, but evidently its not for many of us. We see different things as the main theme in the movie. So what is called correct in this sense. I would say nothing.

Coming back to project work. I felt very sad about charity's and guangmian's group. Their idea was the most innovative and interesting, but they got a band 3. I know here and there about what they did, and it seemed fine. So i dont know what is the problem. But after some thinking, i realised its the problem with the markers. The idea is new, and abstract. Hence its not very acceptable by many people. Many people do not agree. Yes i know that the idea of the report and project is to convince people that the thing works. But with a precept in mind, its inevitable that there would be biasness. A less well done project with a more familiar topic may excel better than one which is well done on a unique topic. So who is the one who should grade?

Project work. By the sheer name it should grade the ability of people to work together. The final product is one of the measures, but id say its only minor.

`someday my princess will come. She just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions]]* ;

~`*Chuan*`~ Music is the reward itself

Mingchuan aka Xiaobaitu
17th May 1988 Tarus
Clementi Town Primary School
R . V . Concert Band French Horn
R . V . Concert Band BBC
R . V . 1 / 2 Live2Learn
R . V . 3 / 4 Graffiti
R . J . nxh
R . J . 1 / 2 S03Q
Magic the Gathering Player since 1998
Xiaobaitu88@hotmail.com friendster
Green and blue
Love =)
Yahoo Photo Gallery
Now playing = Spirited Away


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4As by next CT? LOL